Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Canvas 2.1

Has dropped. See changelogs for more detail on exactly what has changed...

  • The preview window in the phone app has been re-written, and should be faster and more accurate!
  • There are some new conditional/maths functions - see the User Guide for more info
  • The screen store interface has been improved (the scrolling!) and has been moved to a new server, as the old one died :/
  • You can now do a backup/restore of all of your screens!
Having the new Preview code on the phone means that a couple of cool features that were previously not possible are... possible. Watch this space!

Also, any of you who are members of the Canvas beta testing community may have noticed that it's getting quite crowded in there! I've now created a new, separate Canvas user group community for any discussions, sharing cool screens, tips/tricks etc - basically anything that is not beta-related!


Saturday, 3 May 2014

Screen Store: down for maintainence

Just a quick heads-up...

You'll still be able to download screens, but uploads have been disabled until further notice, while I migrate to a new server! (A new version of Canvas will be released when this is complete)

Friday, 7 March 2014

Canvas 2.0

Pebble 2.0 is here... and so is Canvas 2.0!

You may have noticed that Canvas hasn't been updated much over the last few months. That's because I've been working exclusively on the Pebble 2.0 version. Thanks to everyone who has been beta testing Canvas over that period, it is ready for release. There are lots of cool new features made possible by Pebble SDK 2.0, as well as several months worth of bug fixes and improvements!

The first thing to say is: The existing 1.x version of Canvas will not work on Pebble 2.0 (and the 2.0 version of Canvas will not work on Pebble 1.x!), so make sure that you upgrade both your Pebble (Android app and firmware) and Canvas.

SDK 2.0 Goodness

You've been asking for it since the first release, and it is now possible... you can see your watch battery status in Canvas (find it under Time/Date/Pebble status)! 2.0 Also allows you current screen to be stored persistently on the watch, so that it can be displayed without loading from your phone after you switch apps/faces and return to Canvas (note: image storage is not supported).

SDK 2.0 also allows the freedom to dynamically allocate memory. What that means for Canvas is that more layers are allowed (up to 25!) and images can now be animated (animation duration can also be set, and more directions are available). This has also enabled the addition of analogue clock layers, and the really cool inverter layers!

Layers can now be dynamically re-sized based on content, allowing the creation of some really cool effects (see the Inversion example screen for a demo).

Share and discover: The Canvas Screen Store!

Built right into Canvas, you can now see hundreds of screens that other users have designed - and you can upload yours for everyone to see.

Ignore the built-in screens - the Screen Store is where to really see what Canvas can do (i.e. Canvas users are better at screen design that me!)

You can deep-link to Screen Store entries to share them with your friends.

App or Face?

You now have a choice: install the Canvas watch-face, or the Canvas watch-app. The face is the the classic Canvas, but the app instead appears under the Pebble main menu (i.e. it's not a watchface), and allows interaction.

In 2.0, when the app version is installed, you can switch between Canvas screens right from your Pebble using the up/down buttons.

More content

Yahoo! is now the default provider for Weather data (you can still choose OpenWeather), and lots of new weather fields have been added (including today's forecast, Beaufort, and lots more). You can also enter a fixed location via name or lat/lon.

You can choose to hide all-day/started calendar events, and some new fields have been added (e.g. calendar name).

Lots more information about your phone is now available: Current WIFI status (with image option) including SSID, GSM/CDMA signal strength (also with image option, not for all phones) and network state, and your phone ringer state (with image)

All bundled images (including weather and phone state) are now vector-based, meaning that they should scale better to your chosen size. They are also all now 1-bit black/white, just like the Pebble display.

Improved editor

The Pebble preview on the editor screen can now be enlarged, and you can also now place layers overlapping the edge of the Pebble screen.

The editor window is tabbed to better navigation, and there is also now a copy layer function to save time. You can also enter longer format strings in the editor to allow for conditionals (the text layer length limit on the watch has not changed).

The screen preview has been optimised, and you will also now not lose your changes when you rotate your device!


Lots of them...
  • More robust communication between the phone and watch
  • Display weather when temperature is 0f
  • Image aspect ratio lock improved
  • New crash reporting (now automatic, not email-based)
  • Phone app memory usage optimised, and background processing changed (may improve battery life..)
  • Better detection of changes in text layers on the watch (notable if time fields didn't update for you)
  • Treat a single space as a blank for the purpose of auto-hide
  • Time zone processing improvements
  • .pcs files will now loads from gmail
  • Lots of crashes
  • And lots more...

For a detailed record of all changes and fixes in Canvas 2.0, see http://pebblecanvas.blogspot.co.uk/p/canvas-2x-changelogs.html