Thursday, 11 July 2013

Canvas 1.3.0 Released: images, weather, and plugins!

It's been a while since v1.2.1 was released, and there have been a couple of reasons for this. Firstly, adding support for images and plugins has taken a long time - and secondly I was hoping that Pebble would release a firmware fix to speed up communication between phone and watch so that image transfer is actually practical. Well they did!

The headlines in this release are:
  • Image support: Any layer can be an image. You can have more than one image. You can use any image from the examples supplied, or from your gallery, and can scale/rotate them and choose the dithering settings to get them looking just right (or as just right as a 1-bit image can look) on your Pebble
  • Plugins: You can now add any dynamic content you like (text or image) to any Canvas screen.... provided that you can write a plugin to provide it! See for details on writing plugins for Canvas.
  • Weather: A new dynamic content type (either text or image) which gets the current weather at your location
There are lots of other fixes, additions and behind-the-scenes improvements - see the change-log below.

You will need to upgrade your Pebble firmware to v1.12.0 for this release to work. You will also need to install a new version of the Canvas watch-app - you will be prompted to do this after installing.

The full changelog (which won't fit on  Google Play's 'Recent Changes' page):-

v1.3.0 (11/07/13)
         - Increase max number of layers to 9
         - Format date/time in UK locale on phone (to match what Pebble is capable of)
         - Drag to resize layers
         - Added degrees f mask for temp sensor
         - Now available for tablets
         - Check whether pebble is connected before sending messages
         - Gmail account selection dialog fixed
         - Countdown total hours now correct
         - Implemented new fast messaging features of Pebble firmware v1.12.0 (required for this release)
         - Countdown date/time pickers show correct values
         - Plugin system added (see Now Playing plugin example)
         - Select which calendars to use
         - Avoid Pebble rejecting updates
         - SMS updates promptly
         - Image support (supports supplied images, gallery images, weather and plugins, with scaling/rotation/dithering controls)
         - Weather
         - Recurring calendar events fixed
         - Fixed Several crashes


  1. Hi Steve,

    Many thanks for a great app.

    Just wondering where the app pulls its weather data from? At the moment it doesn't match either the Google or Accuweather widgets from on my Galaxy S2...



  2. Excellent app! It has become my favorite watchface. Is there a way to influence the frequency of polling weather updates? Seems to be more than 2 hours at the moment.

  3. @Marc in the next version this is clearer, and allows manual updates

  4. Has any one else had problems installing on a UK S4? Seams to get about half way,says complete,but nothing shows up on the watch. Running 1.12.1 on the pebble.

  5. Hello,

    I have a same problem. When I install warch app. On my pebble (v.1.12.1) loading line half a blue color and says complete. My android version is 2.3.5.

  6. Is there any chance you'll be releasing the source for this? I'd love to take a look at it and see how you're pulling this fantastic app off.

  7. How is the app getting the location information? Every app that gets location knows where I am. The weather portion of the app is placing me somewhere else.

  8. Hey Steve,

    Thanks for making such a good app! But I would like to know if it's possible for me to use the app on both my nexus and my phone? Because if I download an app on my nexus, It doesn't load on my phone

  9. Awesome Blog. Thanks. Do keep posting such good blogs. Thanks for sharing Informative posts.

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  10. Fails to load watch faces. Miserable.

  11. Hello Brother. First I thank you for this wonderful program. I'm just using this interface for pebble. but there is a problem. for example when there is disturbance on the screen to read the message when the message came back. I want you to deal with this problem. I apologize for my english. Hi from Istanbul.

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