Friday, 27 September 2013

Screens and Plugins

This is the bit where I say: wow.

Nearly 4 months ago, Canvas was released. It was made to allow you to design your own watch-faces for your Pebble - but also to share them. And share you have. In no particular order:-

Please, share more in the comments ;)

Then there were plugins.

Partly just so that I could say "write a plugin" to every feature request? Maybe

The Canvas plugin API was released in July, allowing anyone to add dynamic content to Canvas. Here are some great examples from the Pebble community:-

Pebble RSS
Augmented Smartwatch
Stock Ticker
and the original Now Playing

Again, if you've developed a plugin not listed, I'd love to hear in the comments!

More to come

Lots of really neat new features have been added to Canvas in the last few weeks (not that I can release them yet). Some of them, I can tell you about (dynamic sizing of layers, more animations, more weather options, a larger editor, inversion, interaction... much more), and some stuff that I can't. I visited Pebble HQ earlier this month for the Developer Retreat - its safe to say that there is cool stuff coming, but I'm not allowed to tell you what ;)

It was a 2-way event. I learned lots about Pebble and met the great Pebble team, as well as loads of fantastic developers... and also got the chance to bend the ears of Team Pebble about the future of the SDK. I have heard nothing but positive feedback about the event, and thanks to Thomas @ Pebble for organising it!